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Pegasus Spring Picnic

Pegasus Spring Picnic

Our Pegasus School always has creative ideas, through which students can learn new things but can also socialize and have fun at the same time.

This spring, a wonderful team of young mountaineers and researchers, students at Pegasus ELS, in collaboration with MED/MES decided to do a good job and help scientists around the world in mapping the migrations of migratory birds, as well as the prevalence of certain plants, such as spring Cowslips.

In order to achieve this goal, the students and teachers from Pegasus ELS on March 22 organized and realized a trip to the Tetovo Fortress (Kale).

The day was a beautiful, spring, sunny day, quite suitable for hiking and nature outings. All the participants of the trip, ready for such an adventure, left in front of our school.

Although the path to the Tetovo fortress is long and steep, we did not even feel it due to the beautiful atmosphere with our friends, the research activities during the climbing and the beautiful nature at the beginning of the spring.

When we arrived at the Tetovo Fortress, we organized a lot of social games and entertainment. It was even more fun that all the students and teachers from Pegasus (diversity, united in a common adventure – different ages, genders, ethnicities) participated in all the activities together.

We were overjoyed that after so much time and restrictions due to the pandemic, we were able to be together in such a large group.

With the research activities this time we managed to see only a few hawks, one swallow, and the Cowslips had not sprouted yet.

I also managed to conduct a short interview with teacher Emma and several students. They answered a few questions about the organization and their impressions of our trip.


Me: Whose idea was it to organize such a picnic?

Teacher Emma: Pero and Gabi gave the idea. We were talking about this for probably two or three months because we were waiting for the weather to be nice.

Me: Have you organized such activities before?

Teacher Emma: Yes, actually I remember when I was a student and I think that I was a first or second year in high school we actually did the same thing, I think it was bird watching, so we tried to do a bird watching, I don’t think that we saw any births but we did that.

Me: How many students are participating here?

Teacher Emma: I don’t have the exact number, I think that Zoki has that, but I think that it’s around 50, don’t quote me, just ask Zoki how many we were because he has the exact number.

Me: Is this activity organized only by Pegasus or with other partner schools?

Teacher Emma: No, no partner schools but we have some people who helped us with binoculars, but it’s mostly just us wanting to go out in nature and have some fun with our students.

Me: How do you feel being a part of this picnic?

Student: I feel very good and I am happy because I am here.

Me: What is the most interesting thing for you here?

Student: The most interesting thing for me here is playing games in nature

Me: What spring signs have you noticed?

Student: I have noticed some flowers and birds.

Me: Will you come again or will you participate in similar activities organized by our Pegasus school?

Student: Yes, I would definitely come again.

Me: Is it more interesting for you to explore the nature or only to enjoy the nature?

Student: I like to enjoy the nature.

At the end we were all tired, but satisfied and we are all looking forward to such a new adventure.

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