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ChatGPT – One Of The Trendiest Platforms

ChatGPT – One of the Trendiest Platforms

One of the things that is currently circulating in social networks is ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer).

ChatGPT is one of the most famous platforms in the network that currently has around 100 million users. But, how was ChatGPT made?

ChatGPT was launched on November 30, 2022 by the creators of OpenAI (OpenAI is an American artificial intelligence research organisation).

This program is written in the Python programming language and is available in ChatGPT 3.5 (free and paid), and ChatGPT 4.0 (paid).

It is one of the applications with the largest increase in users in history. ChatGPT offers users a wide range of possibilities. The purpose of a chatbot is to imitate a human interlocutor, making life easier, helping with basic things in the daily life of every individual.


ChatGPT offers a chatbot where you can have endless conversations with endless questions. ChatGPT offers communication in every possible language, which makes it more desirable for users. Since the launch of ChatGPT, people’s lives have become easier because they have solutions for each of their questions, with the latest updates in ChatGPT we can also upload images, voice and get replies.

To date, many tests have been done on ChatGPT for the capabilities of this program, one of these experiments is from the journalists of the American magazine “PC” who tested several languages ​​and came to the conclusion that ChatGPT is more capable than Google Translate.

We can say that ChatGPT is one of the perfect discoveries of mankind.

We also cannot ignore the fact that this robotic phenomenon can present problems in the way of thinking of the human individual. This program also presents the negative side, from the large number of users we understand that ChatGPT has become an inseparable part of everyday life.

This AI specimen can affect human abilities leading to a level where we will not try to solve our own problems using logic, but we will solve them using AI as the simplest way.

Students use this program in huge amounts, and this program offers them the easiest solutions. In the future, this can become a big problem for young people, making them unable to create, to think, and to become someone and something for themselves.

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