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Tetovo is located in the western part of North Macedonia, beneath Šar Mountain. Tetovo attracts travelers with its rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking nature. This charming city has a unique blend of Ottoman heritage and Balkan charm.

What can you visit in Tetovo?

Enjoy nature at Shar Mountain National Park: Tetovo is close to the Shar Mountain range, offering opportunities for hiking, skiing in Popova Shapka Ski Resort (in winter), and enjoying nature.

Visit the Painted Mosque (Sharena Dzamija): This mosque is one of the most famous landmarks in Tetovo, known for its vibrant and colorful exterior. It’s a beautiful example of the Ottoman architecture.

Discover the Tetovo Fortress (Kale): Even though most of the fortress is in ruins, it offers great views of the city and surrounding area. It’s a good spot for photography and to learn about Tetovo’s history.

Walk around the Old Bazaar (Charshija): Like many Balkan cities, Tetovo has a charming old bazaar with streets filled with shops selling various goods, from traditional crafts to local food.

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