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Women’s Mental Health In Modern Times – Invisible Need For Care

Women’s Mental Health in Modern Times – Invisible Need for Care

In today’s fast-paced society, time is getting shorter and shorter, but what we should pay more attention to, and which we often forget, is health.

Оur body is a gift that has been given to us to take care of, and this implies taking care of both physical and mental health. In modern times, it seems that taking care of physical health is no longer a problem, but taking care of mental health seems to be becoming a challenge.

In today’s modern society, a woman takes on many responsibilities, some related to work, some related to maternal and housewife duties, while still having to prove their abilities and the strength they possess, which can sometimes demotivate them and lead to the loss of that strength.

Despite the strong perception and emotional maturity that women acquire from a very early age, the fact that she is physically weaker than the opposite sex, still questions her strength, which leads to very big pressure and affects the self confidence and mental processing of women.

But even with this kind of pressure, a woman knows how to let herself feel things so she could get over them. The main mental health advantage that women have is the way they fight and defeat negative emotions, letting the emotions pass through them and letting them go so they know they can move on. But all this does not mean that they don’t struggle with negative emotions.

The main factors that need to be addressed in the context of mental health are:

  • Training – which can be explained enough with the saying “healthy body, healthy spirit”.
  • Quality sleep – the importance of sleep is very big due to new analyzes about the concept of sleep debt. For example, if you lose 2 hours of sleep each night, you’ll have a sleep debt of 14 hours after a week. This can affect your mental health!
  • Relaxation activities – A little me-time can help boost your energy and serves as rest for our mental health.
  • Socialization – people are social beings and being alone can have a negative effect on mental health, while having a friend or a partner helps prevent mental stress.
  • Positive thoughts – The most important thing is to send a positive thought out into the world, which will help you feel better.

Modern age puts pressure on every person, with all the due dates, changing environment and fast living. Having to deal with all of that is hard so we should all be aware of its effect and how to minimize them so our mental health won’t suffer.

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