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5 Ways You’re Contributing To Climate Change Unconsciously

5 Ways You’re Contributing To Climate Change Unconsciously

Imagine waking up one morning to find your favorite coastal city submerged, iconic landmarks turned into ghostly stones under rising sea levels. Picture the once vibrant coral reefs, now bleached and lifeless, and forests that were once full of greenery now looking gray and empty by rampant wildfires. This isn’t a scene from a dystopian movie, but a reality we are fast approaching if we don’t act now. The world is in our hands, and the choices we make today will determine the fate of our planet tomorrow.

There are many ways we are either consciously or unconsciously contributing to the worsening of global warming. Here are some of the ways that we contribute to this negative phenomenon:

  1. Unnecessary energy consumption at home

Leaving electronics, appliances, or lights on when not in use. This unnecessary energy consumption increases greenhouse gas emissions.

  1. Driving short distances

Using cars or automobiles in order to drive short distances. Instead, opt for a bicycle, electric scooter or public transport in order to lower carbon emission.

  1. Overconsumption of fast fashion

Frequent buying of cheap, trendy clothes leads to higher rates of production in the fashion industry, which is a major source of carbon emissions and pollution due to its resource-intensive process. It’s not like you will be wearing every piece in your wardrobe everyday, so limit your expenses to avoid unnecessary purchases and save some money, too.

  1. Digital carbon footprint and cryptocurrency mining

Streaming videos, downloading online files, using cloud storage and energy-intensive cryptocurrency mining contribute to carbon emissions through data centers’ energy consumption. Not deleting your trash folder in apps that support it also leads to excess carbon emission in order to keep the servers working properly, so don’t forget to clean up your e-mails and gallery once in a while!

  1. Paper towel usage

Even though it may be easier to use a paper towel once rather than washing towels, it sure does harm our planet. Using reusable and washable microfiber cloths can help to ensure the lessening of carbon emissions associated in the production of these products and help with deforestation. To help go against child labor and production in countries that are currently having a negative impact on the world, look for certain brands that don’t have an impact on them.


Before going back to your old habits and residing in comfort, think about the fact that the weather will have constant waves of heat and cold days repeated in the future and not just these past few years. You will get sick more often because your body won’t be able to adapt and life will seem miserable. We’re not the only ones that will live on this planet, there are many more generations that will come in the future, so let’s make this planet a better place to live instead of ruining it completely.

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