Our Time at the Women’s Forum
One of the biggest problems in the history of mankind is the problem of discrimination against women. Over the years the problem in some categories got better, but it isn’t fully solved.
Women, since the start of mankind, were taught to be only housewives, they couldn’t work or provide money and they couldn’t get educated. But, after women got their rights, things got better for the female gender. They could educate themselves, work, stand up against their husbands and more. But, it wasn’t all perfect and it isn’t to this day. So Iand the other journalists wanted to learn more about the 8th of March and women’s rights. And that’s why we went to the Women’s Forum.
At the Women’s Forum, they help women with a lot of problems:only being able housewifes,mistreatment,problems with their family heritage and others. They hold meetings and many more things that help the women in the Polog area. So what did we do? Well we had a meeting with Slanjana Josifoska, the project manager (an amazing woman). The meeting went well and it was really fun. We learned about their projects and the projects that they have done, also about the day as a whole. Then, we all had a general question to ask her, so I asked her: How can we, as men, support women more? And it’s safe to say that I got the answer I wanted. Slagjana said that it all starts from our homes, that the way that we are taught, that’s the way that we will act towards the women in our life.
So that’s how me and the other journalists spent our time at the Women’s Forum. And a great thanks to the Women’s Forum for this opportunity. We truly appreciate it.