Women’s Everyday Struggles
Every day, women around the world deal with a long journey filled with so many challenges, problems and many responsibilities that are balanced by women. These challenges can impact on women’s well-being and it can cause many problems as their effects on: Physical Health, Mental Health, Emotional well-being, Social Relationships, Career Advancement, and many others that can ruin their quality of life.
Women are known as superheroes, they’re important, they’re irreplaceable and not just for their families, their jobs or their friends, but in every single area you can think of.
They are the most responsible people at home, they take care of everything including their responsibilities for the physical care, emotional support, the well-being of loved ones, etc. They are also the main caregiver for their children, and let’s not to forget any of the everyday “obligations” such as: cooking yummy food, cleaning up messes, doing the laundry, taking care of the dishes, organizing things in the right places, and making sure that everything is nice and cozy.
Women also deal with professional responsibilities, where their contribution is crucial for the workforce, industries, professions as they are leading, working, solving problems, presenting better and new things to the world, and at the same time dealing with discrimination, and the expectation to balance work with familial responsibilities.
Women like to make their community a happy place for everyone. This means that they’re members of their communities, actively participatingin organizing and promoting the common good.
As I mentioned, women are facing problems with mental health, too. It includes: feelings of anxiety, depression, and all the challenges for women to find time for self-care and relaxation lead to emotional strain and exhaustion.
When it comes to their physical health, I did some research and found out that chronic stress contributes to physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, muscle tension, and sleep disturbances. It is not normal for a person to be this tired and, of course, solutions must be found for these problems.
So, I want to tell you about the support systems that women can find peace in. Gratefully, there are people, community support, professional support that can take care of women’s mental and physical health. This is a great way to help women to finally feel less stressed, get away from everyday problems and, most importantly, to get back the same effort they put in every single detail.
In conclusion, I think that women are the most beautiful creatures that God created. They are kind, lovely, responsible, hardworking and smart.I can’t imagine a world without women.