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Editorial Note

Editorial Note

Hello dear readers!

Now you are familiar with our unstoppable work providing you with information and various controversial topics!

As you know, my name is Fatime Sulejmani, I am a high school student, activist, organiser of many activities, and I also have a spirit for new experiences!

What makes me special is being part of the PSV team, with this group of young people who carry different and very special worldviews and ideologies, it is quite challenging and beautiful to be surrounded and spend quality time with them!

First of all, what makes us important as a group are our two supervisors, the teachers who support and motivate us, Pero Sardzoski and Ema Bliznovska.

As in every monthly edition, for this edition our authors have not left you without new information, starting with local ones, for you, dear readers, they have prepared articles to show you how to spend your time in our city of Tetovo, we always try to promote our city with the best and the worst that it possesses.

In their articles, they have not excluded the news of the world, offering you the most attractive titles on which to be informed.

They have included world art, education, the internet and risks, artificial intelligence and have also prepared articles to inform their peers for the better!

As a group of young people, we are trying to change the shortcomings of this society, we are trying to do something so that the future is more qualitative and that everyone can be a part of society without differences, we are trying to change the pessimism of our society and we are taking a step forward with the help of journalism.

But this is impossible for us without your help, readers and lovers of the future!

Let’s help the future, read and have more knowledge from our articles, your youth is promising for the future through education.

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